Are Poodles Hypoallergenic?

Annie the Poodle

Poodles have been popular dogs in the United States for decades because of several desired qualities. Potential Poodle owners want to know if the Poodle is really hypoallergenic.

Yes, poodles are hypoallergenic! Exactly what does hypoallergenic mean? It means “having little likelihood of causing an allergic response”. Based on this definition from Merriam Webster poodles are unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. Poodles have a virtually non shedding coat that produces less dander than most dogs. Why is that important?

Dander is the primary cause of allergies in people and it’s composed of tiny flecks of the dog’s skin. The dander clings to pet hair and is typically the root cause (no pun intended!) of allergic reactions. It’s important to keep a Poodle clean and groomed regularly to reduce dander and to avoid their curly hair from becoming tangled and matted.

While many dog breeds shed their skin every 3 to 4 days the poodle sheds his skin about every 21 days. This dramatic difference significantly reduces the dander that can cause an allergic reaction in family members.

According to the American Academy of Allergy and Asthma other culprits that cause allergies are the proteins found in a pet’s saliva and urine. This brings up another positive trait in Poodles, they don’t drool very often, reducing the amount of saliva in your home. This Poodle habit helps make them hypoallergenic.

Grooming a Poodle

Since poodles have a non shedding coat their hair grows long, thick and curly. Poodles require frequent brushing and periodic haircuts to keep their coats under control.

Instead of shedding Poodles hair continues to grow, similar to human hair. This is why Poodles require grooming and brushing more often than most dog breeds. Most dogs have a double layer coat but the Poodle has a single layer coat.

Poodles should be brushed at least 3 times a week although you can brush your poodle daily. Brushing helps stimulate circulation and distributes natural skin oils keeping the poodle’s skin healthy.

Unfortunately we weren’t brushing our standard poodle Annie often enough and she developed mats in her coat. When we took her to the groomer her coat had to be cut extra short in order to remove the mats. She’s a happy girl now that we’re brushing her more often – and we learned our lesson to keep her brushed!

Cost of Grooming a Poodle

The typical cost to have a Poodle groomed ranges from $60 to $100’s of dollars depending on your location. I have paid from $80 to $105 here in the St. Louis MO area as of this writing in 2021. Annie’s most recent grooming cost $105 (including tip). Once again, Annie had no money so I had to pay the groomer. Here’s what Annie received for this price:

  • Warm Massage Jet Wash
  • Fluff Dry
  • Nails Trimmed
  • Paw Pads Shaved
  • Ear Cleaning
  • Mink Oil Coat Shine
  • Bandana
  • Haircut of Choice (I chose a shorter cut for the summer)
  • Fragrance

As you can see they include a lot of washing, cleaning, trimming and more for the price, which I believe is well worth it. Many Poodle owners opt to buy some good electric trimmers, brushes, and combs and learn how to groom their dog themselves which can save a lot of money in the long run.

If they have the time and patience and can develop the expertise to groom their Poodle I have great respect for them! (Yes, go watch some YouTube videos! There are reliable groomers sharing great tips about maintaining your poodle). If your are at all unsure about learning to groom your Poodle then by all means use a reliable groomer.

Poodles Make Great Family Pets

Poodles are a great choice if you want a dog that is hypoallergenic as they produce less dander than other dogs. Speaking from experience we love the fact that our poodle Annie doesn’t shed. She also doesn’t have an odor like other dogs we’ve owned in the past.

My Annie, a Standard Poodle, is 3 years old (born in December 2017) and we were pleasantly surprised with her. She is the first poodle we’ve owned. She is fun loving, smart, loyal and a little goofy. She is a great athlete – Poodles can run up to 30 miles per hour and rank in the top 10 fastest dogs in the world!

When I take her to the dog park she is usually the fastest dog there. She loves to fetch balls or frisbees although she is still learning to release the item to me when she brings it back.

Annie is also a great leaper and has jumped over our fence so we keep a close eye on her in the backyard. She is playful but has moments of quiet and calmness making her a great companion dog.

Annie loves to be with my wife and I and will follow us around the house just to be close to us. If I run down to the basement for a moment she will follow me down to see what I’m doing. She has been a delightful family member and we’re very happy to have her in the family. She loves to go for walks around the neighborhood – poodles need plenty of exercise.

Poodles Come in 3 Fun Sizes:

The Poodle became a registered breed with the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1887 and is registered in the following 3 sizes:

Standard Poodle: The largest poodle of the 3 sizes is over 15 inches tall at the shoulder — typically in the 22″-27″ range. Males typically weigh 45 to 70 pounds and females typically weigh 45 to 60 pounds.

Miniature Poodle: This is the medium size poodle and are over 10 inches tall and under 15″ inches tall at the shoulder – most are in the 13″-15″ range and usually weigh 15 to 17 pounds.

Toy Poodle: The smallest poodle is under 10 inches tall at the shoulder and usually weigh 6 to 9 pounds. This is an ideal size dog for those families living in smaller homes or apartments.

Poodles Come in Surprising Colors

There are a 11 solid Poodle colors and there are also variations of these colors. First, here is a list of the 11 solid colors:

  • Black
  • White
  • Brown
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Apricot
  • Cafe Au Lait
  • Cream
  • Gray
  • Silver
  • Silver Beige

In addition to these 11 colors is the various, fascinating mix of these colors known as Parti-Poodles. Parti Poodles have white as their base color with patches of other solid colors such as brown, black, red, etcetera on their coat. The Parti Poodle is unique and they are relatively rare.

Regardless of the color of a Poodle they are each still considered to be hypoallergenic.

Interesting Facts About Poodles

The Poodle was referred to as PudelHund in Germany where the breed originated over 400 years ago. The word Pudel simply means puddle and the Poodle was known as the puddle dog. Amazing as it sounds the Poodle was developed and used for hunting birds and small prey. Poodles are extremely athletic and are excellent swimmers making them great retrievers if trained properly.

Subsequently, Poodles were adopted as the national dog of France and are sometimes referred to as French Poodles. This is when Poodles gained a reputation as a frou frou, delicate dog which definitely does not apply to Poodles. They are elegant, athletic dogs that love to play, prance, and rough house with other dogs.


Yes, poodles are hypoallergenic so if you are looking for a very low shedding, hypoallergenic dog then you will definitely want to consider a poodle as your next family member. Poodles make great family pets and are considered the second smartest dog breed after the Border Collie making them very easy to train.

They do require some maintenance in the form of brushing and occasional haircuts so you will need to invest in some good brushes and find a groomer. Another option is to buy some good clippers and learn how to groom your poodle yourself.

Poodles are not fussy, finicky dogs. On the contrary, poodles are extremely athletic and very smart dogs of great versatility. The standard Poodle, with the most size and strength, is the best all-around athlete of the breed but all Poodles can be trained with great success. They like to cuddle and be close to everyone in their family.

Poodles have become extremely popular because they are hypoallergenic, extremely smart, and just plain fun. They are being cross bred with other popular dog breeds to create “designer dogs” such as goldendoodles (Golden Retriever plus Poodle) and labradoodles (Labrador plus Poodle).

If you have allergies and you’re thinking about getting a dog but don’t want the shedding and odor, consider the hypoallergenic Poodle. They won’t leave a pile of hair on your sofa and you won’t see hair rolling across your floor or floating across the room. Therefore it’s much less likely you will have an allergic reaction to a Poodle!

*Source: Merriam Webster:

Patrick Flanagan

Hello my name is Patrick and I love Poodles. We got our first Poodle in the spring of 2018 and have loved having a Poodle ever since. Annie is a Standard Poodle who is intelligent, loving, athletic, and a bit of a playful clown that keeps us laughing. We first considered getting a goldendoodle and realized what we really wanted was a poodle. Why get part poodle when we can get 100% poodle? She is definitely a part of our family, we only wish we had discovered Poodles sooner! I created this website to share everything we learn about Poodles.

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